Annalisa Caldon Counselling and Psychotherapy

Professional Qualifications

I completed my training at the Chiron Centre for Integrative Body Psychotherapy in 1998. Chiron is a United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) accredited training, which has developed various body-centred approaches from Willhelm Reich's work on muscle armouring to Gerda Boysen's work on Biodynamic massage.

The name Chiron has become associated with an integrative and relational approach to body psychotherapy in the UK. The centaur Chiron symbolises our engagement with the interactive processes between psychological, bodily and transpersonal dimensions which contribute to the organisation of the whole person. The image of the 'wounded healer' associated with the centaur also serves as a reminder of the participative nature of the psychotherapist's role in the therapeutic relationship.

I am a member of UKAHPP, which was founded in 1980 as a national accrediting organisation for all those who apply the theories of Humanistic Psychology in their work.

The UKAHPP is an independent member organisation of the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) and the UK Register of Counsellors.

I am also UKCP accredited and abide by it's code of ethics.

I have been working for more than 20 years running a private practice latterly in London and currently in Oxford and Combe.

I worked at the Psychosynthesis & Education Trust in London Bridge for several years managing and running their Counselling Service, which included assessing and referring clients to my team of trained and qualified counsellors and psychotherapists, along with setting up and running a low cost placement scheme for students training at the Trust and clients
on lower incomes.

Amongst many others, I have undertaken and assisted on professional trainings in Somatic Trauma
Therapy and Bodynamic Trauma techniques, along with a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) with Soul workshop and incorporate all of these into my general practice. I am currently very interested in working with issues around shame.

- United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy
UKAHPP - UK Association for Humanistic Psychology Practitioners
ORG - The Oxfordshire Relational Group
OTS - Oxfordshire Therapy and Self Development

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