Annalisa Caldon Counselling and Psychotherapy

What is OTS?

Oxfordshire Therapy and Self-Development (OTS) provides appropriate, effective and affordable counselling & therapy options for you! We help you find the therapeutic approach, format and options that are best for you. As we are connected with a wide and diverse range of networks, we have no particular investment in which path you choose for yourself, and can therefore give unbiased advice tailored to you.

What kind of problems can you help me with?

We recognise that life can be difficult for all of us from time to time. We can help with these difficulties whether it is a temporary crisis or life transition, ongoing emotional distress, the aftermath of trauma, the stresses and growing pains of life or the wish for a more fulfilling everyday experience; OTS can help to find an appropriate, effective and affordable therapeutic route for you.

Whether there is a clear diagnosis (like depression, anxiety, etc) or an unlabelled experience of emotional or mental pain, or just a ‘felt sense’ that 'things could be better'; whether it is an identified outer problem, a relationship difficulty or an inner sense of turmoil, confusion or emptiness, there are many more ways of addressing the psychological challenges of life than the average person knows about – OTS aims to make that accumulated richness of human understanding and wisdom available to everybody seeking help.

What do you offer? Which services do I need?

Assessment & Referral:
If you are not sure what would be best for you, OTS can offer you an initial interview to explore what would work best for you:

- which type and format of 1-1 therapy/counselling
- which therapeutic approaches;
- whether group or individual counselling/therapy;

The fee for assessment and referral appointments is a minimum of £25, and a maximum of whatever (per session) limit you give us to help you find your therapist. This is to allow people that need to, to access the low-cost OTS service.

A Low-Cost Therapy & Counselling Service:
There are many people who can’t realistically afford the typical cost of individual therapy sessions with experienced practitioners, which typically range from £45 to £90, depending on the practitioner. If group therapy is not appropriate, we can offer low-cost therapy with advanced trainees (who are in regular supervision with us), with newly qualified practitioners and with experienced practitioners who offer some low cost places from £20 - £45 per session. If you feel you require or would like to consider a low cost place, then you will be able to register this on the application form if you...

Weekly Women's Therapy Group – Oxford

This is an open-ended group with a general focus.

Time & Day:
Tuesday 7pm – 9.00pm

Working in a group setting creates an opportunity for you to explore how you express yourself and relate to others in a safe and contained space. Groups become more effective over time and as each member deepens their commitment to the group and the relationships within it, the level of safety increases and the opportunity to experiment with new ways of relating emerge.

We will create a space where we can explore what it is like being in a room together as women - working together to make sense of how we relate to ourselves and each other, and what it is like for us to live in a world where we are grappling with the many pressures of being a woman in our society.

In today's world, many women can feel bombarded with images of slim, young, sexualised models and may experience this as an enormous amount of pressure to fit to a specific image of 'perfection' in order to be seen as acceptable. These are some of the sorts of pressures that can lead to a whole host of serious mental disorders like depression, anxiety, eating disorders, self-harm and substance abuse.

As an integrative Body Psychotherapist with over 20 years experience, I work in a way that recognises that many psychological problems have immediate impact on how we feel in our bodies. Learning to pay attention to our bodies can give us a deeper sense of understanding and empowerment to affect change. Along with wanting to support group members in working on their own individual goals, I'm also interested in exploring how we can interpret what is happening in our bodies in a language we can understand and work with.

Group Leader: Annalisa Caldon

OTS-Oxford Therapy Centre
1st Floor, 142-144 Oxford Road
Temple Cowley, Oxford

These groups are suitable for most people seeking group therapy, though an initial interview will help to clarify this, or whether a group with a more specific focus for example would be a better option.

Between £20 - £45 per session payable monthly in advance. Fee to be discussed at interview according to affordability.

Interview fee:
£52 payable only after your application has been received and acknowledged.

At least 10% of all fees above £30 go to fund any reduced fee places.

You can find out more about OTS You can find out more about OTS here ...

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